  • 1505 N Main
    Bloomington, IL 61701
  • Hours
    Mon - Sat 8 to 6, Sun 9 to 6

Going Green?

Casey's decided a number of years ago to offer organic solutions for our customer's lawn and gardening needs. Over the years, customer interest in organics has grown and we have expanded our offerings. We carry a full line of organic solutions for your lawn, garden and home.

Our Products

MilorganiteAn excellent lawn fertilizer, Milorganite (6-2-0) contains 4% iron. Grass leaves take up this iron, giving them a deep green color. However, unlike high nitrogen fertilizers, iron does not make plants grow fast. The result is a lawn with the color you desire without excessive growth (and mowing!).
Dipel Dust & Hot Pepper Wax
  • Bonide Hot Pepper Wax - Made from Cayenne Peppers, a ready to spray organic insecticide.
  • BonNeem Insecticidal Soap - A combination insecticidal soap plus neem.
  • Dipel Dust - Kills worms biologically. One bite of treated foliage causes worms to stop feeding and die.
  • Thuricide - For control of caterpillars of all types: bagworms, tomato hornworm, fungus gnat larvae, webworm.
Coop Poop FertilizerWe carry a full line of Espoma, Dr. Earth and Fox Farm products as well as other organic fertilizer options including Coop Poop, an aerobically composted chicken manure.
Espoma Potting SoilCasey's stocks many types of organic soil and soil amendments such as coir, earthworm castings, and bat guano. Our lines include Baccto, Miracle Gro, Fox Farms, Dr. Earth, Fertilome, Espoma and more.
  • Organic Products

    Organic Products

  • Organics

    Potting Soil

  • Organics

    Dr. Earth