Whether you are looking for a gift for a friend, or that special plant for your home, we'll be happy to guide you through your selection of the perfect plant
Houseplants are the perfect way to bring life and color into your home. Casey's houseplant department specializes in the unusual. Bonsai, orchids, bromiliads, air plants, cacti & succulents, large tropicals for poolside and tiny ferns for fairy gardens. Whether you are looking for foliage or flowers, terrarium plants or large palm specimens, we have them all.
African Violets
Air Plants (Tillandsia)
Growing houseplants is a fun, fascinating, fulfilling hobby. But sometimes it can be very frustrating, especially when you don't understand why a plant that should be gorgeous is dropping dead leaves all over the place. We have a mixture of knowledge and experience that is hard to beat. Our goal is to inform and equip you to choose the plants that are best for you and your situation.
Before you begin looking for a plant, know your physical surroundings. How much light is available in the location you want this plant? Is there a window in the room? What direction does it face? Is it a room which has lots of drafts and gets cool during the winter, or is it warm and toasty?
Once you have these things in mind, picking a plant out becomes much easier.
11 Tough Plants
Here are a few 'Hard to Kill" plants. If you are just starting off, or just want something you don't have to put much time into, then this collection of plants may be of interest to you.

It tolerates low light, drafts, and abuse. It prefers to be slightly moist, but needs to dry out between waterings. It will survive all but the most severe periods of dryness.

This is one of the workhorses of today’s interiorscapes, due to its low light tolerance and low moisture requirements. The newer varieties have many different color variations in their leaves, and most of them prefer to dry out between watering’s.

This plant has had its ups and downs as far as popularity, but it performs well in low or medium light, prefers to dry out between waterings, and is a survivor. Since this is also a vertical grower, this works well in a corner or wherever you need some height.

Sometimes called 'variegated philodendron', this bicolored vine is one of the most abuse-tolerant plants. It does great in all light situations, and in low or medium light it can get extremely dry, and still come back. If it gets too long, cut it off. Stick the cuttings in water, and they will grow roots! This plant is a winner for beginners!

A well grown jade is a beautiful thing to behold. It may remind us of a sturdy succulent tree, with a magnificent woody trunk. Give it sunlight (preferably direct, but plentiful indirect light will do) and water when the soil is dry. Jade plants store water in both their leaves and stems, so let it dry out between waterings. They can tolerate low light for quite a long time, but water must be withheld until the leaves actually begin to shrivel, or else over watering can occur.

Put lucky bamboo in low or medium light and it will thrive. Not many plants are easier than this.

Sansevieria can tolerate all kinds of conditions. Bright light and occasional water will allow it to grow moderately well. If you give it low light and waterings occasionally, it will grow slowly, but still be a healthy plant. If you give it direct sun and regular water it will grow and thrive.

Medium or High light is preferred for the ponytail palm. The swollen trunk holds water, and will allow you to go long periods without watering it. Let the soil dry out completely before watering.

This palm looks unlike any other palm. It has a hairy stem and a jagged edge on the leaf, seeming as though someone has torn it off. It grows in most light conditions, except hot sun. The Raphis prefers slightly moist soil, but can tolerate dryer conditions.

They tolerate all levels of light (though best in medium or high), and like to dry out between waterings. Unwanted stems may pruned back at any time, without hurting the plant. It will then send out replacement shoots from the stem base, where the cut was made.

The ZZ plant has glossy, shiny leaves, with an almost succulent look. This is a plant that grows very slowly, does best in low light, and very little water.